Sunday, November 3, 2013

Liebster Award

I haven't written a lot of things on my blog yet, I honestly can't think of things to share on this blog. So I was really surprised that I was nominated for the Liebster Award by a friend and this is a great opportunity for me to write something on my blog. Thank you so much for nominating me!

So here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

   1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
   2. Answer the questions of the blogger who tagged/nominated you.
   3. Create your own Liebster award for 5 or more bloggers with less than 200 followers and
       notify them. 
   4. Display the Liebster award badge on your blog.

Random Facts about me:
  • I'm a proud ELF since 2005. Leeteuk is my favorite among all the members also since 2005.
  • I love live albums because I love hearing the fans screaming or singing along.
  • I have a pet. She is a persian and her name is browna because her hair color is brown.
  • I don't drink coffee unless it is decaf. Coffee keeps me awake for a long time. There was even a time when I can't sleep for 1 1/2 day.
  • I love drinking tea! My favorite is Earl Grey Tea but I really fell in love with the blueberry tea that we bought in Canada! Love the smell, Love the taste. I hope I can buy them here in the Philippines.
  •  I don't do any kind of sport. I just love watching them on TV.
  •  I love organizing all the music on my iPod. Complete with all the information and each song must have an album art.
  •  I don't eat olives.
  •  I EXTREMELY LOVE anything purple. Seeing anything purple gives me a happy feeling.
  •  I smile a lot and I also like it when people smiles at me. It makes me happy.
  •  I am health conscious. It is a part of my long-term goal.

Here are my answers to katalinarosario's questions:

What motivates you in life?

My dreams. I have a lot but I know one day I will be able to do them or at least be given a chance to try to do them. I know that people I have in my life and the people I will meet, will be part of fulfilling my dreams. Another thing is that I will also be able to help others fulfill their dreams. :D

Name famous persons you've already seen personally. Share your experience.

I haven't seen anyone famous yet.

What healthy snack can you recommend for working office people?

Fruits! You can also try to mix them. For me so far I've tried mixing papaya and banana and then I put calamansi and brown sugar. Yummy! :D

Well, since I don't really know a lot of bloggers I'll nominate katalinarosario. I hope she can promote more bloggers through this. :D

And here are my questions for her:

Do you believe in the things that you don't see?
When you were young, what did you want to be when you grow up? Did you do it?
What is one skill or hobby you’ve always wanted to learn?
What quality do you find most attractive in others?
If any character from a novel could be your best friend, who would you want it to be and why?
if any character from a novel that can best describe your best friend in real life, who would it be and why?
How do you keep yourself interested in the things you do?
End. :D

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I just finished watching the last episode of Gu Family Book. I really cried. There were a lot of moments in that episode that made me cry. And I guess I just also wanted to cry. A lot. People around me says that I have a very positive outlook in life and that they know me as a very happy person. And I know I am its just that, lately, I feel down about what's happening with my life. I feel so sad and down. I just want to cry a lot more than I did today.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I should never have crossed it. I'm fully aware that it will hurt. The happiness is there, but the sadness and pain is really piercing through me. I can't stand it anymore. That's why, I'll let go and protect myself. After all, everybody deserves the best in everything. Clearly, this is not the best for me. Goodbye.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ultimate Goal: Be healthy

Since the second half of January I've been going to gym and to tell you honestly it is not easy. Gladly, I have a trainer with me to guide and help me on what to do. I mostly do weight lifting because I want to gain weight. Actually, most people think that I do not need to go to gym because I'm "sexy", well I'm not. I'm thin and not sexy. Of course I want to be sexy, who doesn't? But it is not the only reason I decided to go to gym. The ultimate reason is I want to be healthy.

I watch what I eat and drink and I get enough sleep most of the time. But with all that I know for sure that I lack in exercise. Before enrolling to a gym, I can't even remember the last time I exercised, it has been probably years. Reason for not exercising: LAZINESS. I'm too lazy to do it on my own. Then a friend who enrolled to a gym encouraged me to enroll as well, at first I was hesitant but in the end I decided to enroll. 

The first few meetings I thought of not going to gym because of laziness. I thought of excuses so that I won't need to go like I forgot to bring my things, I need to go home early, I'm meeting someone, etc. But this friend of mine who encouraged me to go to gym always reminds me a day before to bring my things and he even asks me the next day if I did bring my things. So my excuses surely did not work. 

The first two sessions were more on the introduction and assessment part. The third session was the start of my workout. My trainer would first demonstrate the exercise that I would do with the proper posture, breathing and counting. Each exercise, I usually need to do them for 12 counts and 3 sets and will increase as we go on. I have to keep in mind to properly execute each exercise so that my muscles will grow correctly. The first sets are always the easy ones to do and the last sets are always the hardest. But no matter how hard they are to do with the pain you will feel while doing them and even after doing them, I have to push myself to do it correctly. Never cheat on the counting however painful it may be. Just keep in mind no pain, no gain. So each time I finish an exercise, it rewards me with the feeling of achievement .

At first, I thought that it will be just exercise, exercise, exercise at the gym. Surprisingly, I've enjoyed each day that I was there because of my friend and the people we've met. Random person we've ride the elevator with and talked to us, other members of the gym, other trainers we were able to talked to, the "kuya" who I think is the maintenance person, the ladies at the reception, our trainer and of course, my friend. I'm really glad that I've met them and thankful for my friend who encourage me to enroll to a gym. Exercising at the gym is a lot fun when you enjoy the company of people you're with.

I may still be far from my goal but well I've just started. And I'm not even on my one month yet of going to gym but I've already seen improvements. Yay! No matter how long I have to  get to my goal, I'll just have to keep going and surely I'll be able to get there.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

50 Book Challenge

One of the challenges I've set for myself this year is to read 50 books. I did not set any type of book to read nor any genre, so it can be just any book that I want to read. So far, I've read 5 books and I am currently reading 3 books at the same time. I don't know if this is normal, but I'm really enjoying reading 3 books at the same time. How do I manage to read 3 books? Well it's pretty easy, since a week has 7 days, each book gets 2 days and the other day left I'll just decide what I would read base on how the story is progressing so far. So, if one book is making me most curious on what's going to happen next, then most probably that's the one I'll read on the last day of the week. But honestly, sometimes I really don't follow this routine I've set that's why I finish some books way way ahead of the others. 

I'll really try my best to read 50 books for this year, not only because I've set this challenge for myself, but because I really love to read books. These past two years, I feel like I've set aside reading books for too long. I wanted to rekindle my love for reading and to maintain it for the rest of my life.

P.S. I have a Shelfari account where I am able to keep track of the books I've read, currently reading and I plan to read. I made my account late last year, so the only books I have on my read books shelf are those that I can only remember that I've read. Well, if you love reading just like me try Shelfari and add me my username there is supereluise. :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happiness in simple things

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.  ~Mother Teresa 

I woke up not really feeling well, so I decided to go to work after lunch with my sister who is on midshift. My sister and I were preparing our brunch and while I was getting water, I remembered that she said she always forgets to drink vitamins. So after filling my glass with water I got two vitamins, one for me and one for my sister. I gave it to her as I sat down the table and she smiled and happily thank me and I felt happy as well because she won't forget to drink her vitamins today. :)

So while we were on our way to work, a mother and her son got on the bus. Unfortunately there were no more seats available. I would really love to offer my seat to her son but I have my laptop with me and I can't stand long because it'll surely hurt my back. Instead, I asked my sister to move since we were on a two-sitter bus and the seats were big. Then I told the boy to sit just beside me, his mother told her "O, tabi ka daw kay ate". He smiled and then sat beside me. Then her mother also smiled and thank me. I felt really happy that he didn't need to struggle standing up while traveling and that I was able to receive beautiful and genuine smiles from strangers. 

I received a text from a teammate asking if I could by him food and I told him that I'll call him once I was at the mall. So as I reached the mall, I called him and asked what he wants to eat and bought them and then went to the office. When I entered our room he was not there so I placed the food on his table. As he got back and saw his food, he smiled and thank me and then ate the food right away.
Those simple smile and thank you from others never fails to make me happy.

(I actually wrote this entry yesterday and I intended to post this before I sleep but our internet at home is not working. Huhu. So I just going to post this today)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The First

I've never seen myself as a blogger...

Well here I am writing my first ever blog entry and I'll be running this blog from here on (hopefully). I actually have a tumblr account but I only reblog posts by those that I follow so I can't really consider it as my blog. This blog will be something "personal". 

I actually don't know what has gotten into me but I guess I can consider blogging as one of the adventure in my list of things I wanted to try/do. I have a lot actually and this blog may never end if I list them all but I'll try my best to blog about them when I get to do them.

It will be hard to try them all but I'll still give everything I can and try them. I guess I am just so excited to try, experience, learn and enjoy each one of those things.